This Workshop about 3D Blender Design is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain, 4nd European Congress: “Innovative tools in ICT Learning ” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.
You can download the Tutorial Here

This activity was planned for day 15-03-2022 of the congress from 10:00-11:00 3D Workshop .
In this Workshop 3D Blender Design Students and Teachers will learn the several advanced techniques for used to create amazing 3D designs.

9:40 Cafe Break. Organized by Spanish Students.

Workshop 3: 3D Design Blender as a Crafts Tool
In this Workshop 3: 3D Design Blender as a Crafts Tool, we will learn this incredible tool which can be used for almost everything with a special remack for the crafts & 3d Printing aplications (Imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros)

09:50 -10:30 This workshop was retransmited to the Etwinning comunity ane UIPEC Erasmus Patners using Video conference as a Etwinning-live event
From this lines we want to thank organizators IES Playamar and prof. Alfonso Ballesteros for this tasks.