Schools involved in this project are
- IES Playamar (Spain)
- Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands Vestra (Iceland)
- Mendelova Střední škola (C. Republic)
- IIS G Peano C Rosa (Italy)
- Ag Escolas Dr Serafim Leite (Portugal)

C1 Czech Republic Mobility // C4 Iceland Mobility // C3 Portugal Mobility // C4 Spain Mobility // C5 Italy Mobility
Materials Developed

During this Project, we have developed the following Tutorials in all the languages of the project .

- Visual Basic Brochure
- Thinkercad Brochure
- Python Brochure
- Java & NetBeans Brochure
- IFTTT-IF-This-Then-That-Automatization-brochure
- App-Inventor Mobile Programming Brochure
- 3D-SketchUp Brochure
- 3D-Design-Blender Brochure
What’s new in the project?
Italy Mobility C5
This Mobility C5 in Italy has been configurated as the 5th European Congress of the of the Project : Girls
Read more.ICT Multilingual Dictionary
ICT Multilingual Dictionary GBPE team have developed the ICT Multilingual Dictionary in all the languages of the project. and can
Read more.Evaluation Report
The Proyect has been evaluated and the results can be seen in those graphics and can be downloaded in the
Read more.Dissemination
One of the important points of an Erasmus project is the dissemination of the activities and results of the project.
Read more.Entrepreneurship Sessions in PTA
This Activity is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain, configurated as the 4th European Congress: “Innovative tools For ICT
Read more.Activity Malaga Crafts Tour
This activity was part of This Mobility GBPE C4 in Spain but in colaboration with our other project about crafts
Read more.Activity AR Cultural Heritage Ginkana in Ronda International Teams
In this Activity Spanish and International students will create International mixed Teams and they will have to follow a list
Read more.Activity: International Opportunities in Malaga University
This Activity has been developed in the Mobility C4 in Spain, configurated as the 4th European Congress: “Innovative tools For
Read more.Craft your bag for the Peace Activity & Contest
This Mobility C4 in Spain, has been configurated as the 4th European Congress: “Innovative tools For ICT Learning” of the
Read more.Workshop 0: Boost your Creativy with Scamper
This activity has been developed in The Mobility C4 in Spain, has been configurated as the 4th European Congress: “Innovative
Read more.Spain Mobility C4
This Mobility C4 in Spain, has been configurated as the 4th European Congress: “Innovative tools For ICT Learning” of the
Read more.3D Blender Design Workshop
This Workshop about 3D Blender Design is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain, 4nd European Congress: “Innovative tools in
Read more.Machine Learning Programming Workshop
This Workshop in App Inventor Mobile Programming is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain , 4nd European Congress: “Innovative
Read more.IFTT Automation tool Workshop
This Workshop in App Inventor Mobile Programming is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain , 4nd European Congress: “Innovative
Read more.App Inventor Mobile Programming Workshop
This Workshop in App Inventor Mobile Programming is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain , 4nd European Congress: “Innovative
Read more.Workshop 3D Modeling
This Workshop in 3D Modeling is part of the Mobility C3 in Portugal, 3nd European Congress: “Programing, Entreprenurship Art &
Read more.Conference:”Tics Applied to Crafts & Industrial Tourism in SJM”
Activity is part of the Mobility C3 in Portugal, 3nd European Congress: “Programing, Entreprenurship Art & Crafts ” of the
Read more.Portugal Mobility C3
This Mobility C3 in Portugal, has been configurated as the 3nd European Congress: “Programing, Entreprenurship Art & Crafts ” of
Read more.New Technologies & Entrpreneurship Event in Sanjotec
In this event celebrated during the Shared mobility UIPEC GBPE in the Sanjotec Enterprise Bussiness incubator, we could learn about
Read more.Iceland Mobility C2
This Mobility C2 Iceland Mobility has been configurated as the 2nd European Congress: “3D Printing, Vr and Programming” of the
Read more.