Iceland Mobility C2

This Mobility C2 Iceland Mobility has been configurated as the 2nd European Congress: “3D Printing, Vr and Programming” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe. with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.

In this congress, Teachers and students from the differents schools of the erasmus project participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions, exhibitions and Working Sessions.

Covid Impact

This mobility has suffered many problems due to Covid restrictions and It was very near to be cancelled ( with the rest of the project ) however thanks to the efforts of the involved teams, it has been posible to Carry it out .

This mobility was originally planned for 16 of march of 2020 but due to the irruption of the panthemia in Europe and the all airports clousure that weekend, it had to be cancelled. Indeed we were a bit lucky because we were very near to get stuck in Iceland with the students for months and months. Other big problem was that many airlines and hotels did not gave back the money or they only gave some vouchers which were useless because they had to be used within a year. ).

After a 2020 Summer when COVID restrictions had been lowered, the Coordinators suggested the possiblity to carry out this mobility in october 2020, All the teams agreed and prepared their trip but suddenly at the end of september 2020, it appears the second wave of the panthemic and it had to be again posponed (with all budget problems of cancelations that it involve once more).

Finally, After a second year of restrictions but with the hope of an improvement of the situation, in a virtual Meeting in June 2020 . Teams decided to plan the mobility for september 2021.

Everything was going on, although we had serious budget problems and many of the participant paid their travel by themself because the Erasmus grant was lost in previous cancellations.

Unfortunately, in August 2020, there was an uprising of the COVID cases in Europe and many goberments hardened the conditions to travel (Vacination and Test) . Many students didn’t acomplish the requirements in some countries (vacination age not allowed in Italy and Spain) but it was possible to be vaccinated in others (C. Republic & Portugal) so we decided to make a mixed online-presential mobility where many of the workshops where retransmited using Etwinning & Google Meet Platform.


This congress was set at the same school and time that the European Congress: “DESIGN WITH 3D PRINTING: APPLICATIONS TO ART AND EUROPEAN CRAFTSMANSHIP” from UIPEC Eramus Project and we were lucky to share many synergies and some activities with them.


In this mobility, we will develop the planned 3D, programming and Virtual Reality contents. This Mobility has also will benefy of the Industrial especializations VET studies of FNV school.

  • Virtual Reality
  • Learning Different Models of VR devices
  • Creation of 360 degrees models
  • Aplication of 360 – VR Technology to Local Enterpreneurship and natural Heritage preservation of puffins

  • 3D Printing
    • Tinkercad software
    • 3D formats STL or OBJ
    • NETFAB Program
    • Checking 3D models using Slic3r Program
    • Conversion to print Ultimaker Cura model
    • Scale, size and location on the printer.
    • Slicing 3d Design
  • Programming
    • Python programming


Sunday 12 /09/2021

  • FNV Organizes the Portuguese and Czech R. Team pick up at Keflavik Airport which is 400 km away from School (Spanish team will rent its own car.)

Monday 13/09/2021

  • 8:30 Opening Ceremony @FNV School .
  • 9:00 Introduction to the schools participants and Congress planning
  • 10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Get to know FNV Installations

11:00 Workshop: 3D Metalware Printing by FNV Staff

FNV has several Numeric industrial machines which can create 3d Designs in Metal
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 Visit the surroundings of Souderkrokur
  • 14:00 Activity Students and Teachers Erasmus Golf Cup : Students and teacher enjoyed the local Golf camp in Souderkrokur
  • 15:00 Workshop: VR Technology to Local Enterpreneurship and natural Heritage preservation of puffins . First world Puffins museum is located in Souderkrokur as an tecnhological inniciative of one of the FNV Teachers using VR to make you feel as a puffin in the nest.
  • 16:00 Exhibition: Virtual Reality museum The battle ol Iceland
  • 17:00 Discussions and end program day

Tuesday 14/09/2021

  • Arrive @ FNV: 8:30
  • 8:45 3D Printing Workshops Printing Technologies Workshop ( Retransmited Online to spanish and italian students).
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 3D Slice printing Workshops ( Retransmited Online to spanish and italian students).

  • 15:00 Skagafjordur Herigate : A visit to Giottislaug. the legend natural warm pool & Practice creating a VR shot

Wednesday 14/09/2021

8:30 Daytrip around Skagafjordur with visits to interesting places in light of project focus.

Visit: Hofsos : Basalt Columns , Thermal waters, Crafts, Entrepreneurship & Tourism & Practice creating a VR shot

  • 12:00 Lunch
  • Visit: Vatnsleysu Horse Farm – Icelandic Pedigri
  • Workshop Horse craftings and Metalware
  • Visit : Fosslaug Skagafjordur waterfall
  • Exhibition Glaumbær Ancient craftings way of live
  • Nothern lights Visualization : Icelandic team make a forecast that Wednesday night would be the best day to see this wonder of the nature because there would be no rain and very litlle clouds and the radiaton would be the right. Students got this wonderful experience forever in their memories.

Thursday 15/09/2021

  • 8:30 – 12:00 Python Programming Workshop ( Retransmited Online to spanish and italian students ).
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 VR Workshop Creating our own VR world ( Retransmited Online to spanish and italian students ).
  • 15:00 Workshop: Myrkur Games A meeting with a real Videogame programmer ( Retransmited Online to spanish and italian students ).
  • Dinner

Friday 16/09/2021

  • Project Evaluation and Management
  • 8:30 – 9:30 Evaluation & Analisis time: Have we met out goals for the project meeting?
  • 8:30 – 9:30 Improvement proposals for next meetings
  • 10:30 – 12:00 Planning next mobilities
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Meeting certification delivery ceremony.
  • Sum up and farewell


This congress was diseminated in several ways.

At the Educative level of the School with its inclusion in the school website and in the Social networks of the school

Several Local Media take information of our mobility

We created an Etwinning event : so that many colleages could follow the activities

Finally we created a codeweek event :

From this lines we want to thank organizators them for their attentions.

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