European projects are still a recent reality in the Dr. Serafim Leite School Group (AESL).
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However, in recent years, they have gained a relevant dimension, with the need to (re) formulate a project adequate to the needs and objectives of the surrounding reality, which systematically brings together the entire line of action that involves the AESL’s internationalization strategy: the European Development Plan (EDP).

At AESL there is a conviction that within the global dynamics the European dimension of education is an aspect to develop and deepen. It is assumed that European citizenship has to be more than mere political rhetoric and, in this context, synergies are sought with other entities that want to share knowledge, develop projects and carry out activities that, jointly promote the progressive assumption of the European dimension of citizenship. It is imperative to value the improvement of pedagogical quality as well as the internationalization of the institution itself, reinforcing the cooperation between transnational partners, with the aim of innovating in its pedagogical, logistical, administrative and organizational practices. This document must be seen as a dynamic instrument that can incorporate changes to any change in the organizational context and must also be seen as a tool to improve the quality of teaching and susceptible to adaptation to changes in educational policy. The PDE therefore constitutes a guiding and coordinating document for the various projects with European scope and subsequently as an instrument for operationalizing the strategies included in it.
Where is the School?
PRIORITIES The AESL’s self-assessment team carried out work, embodied in the respective report as well as in the improvement plan, having found that the grouping revealed the need for training in terms of quality, understood at various levels: pedagogical quality, quality of service provided to user, quality of processes and procedures, quality of learning and teaching.
- The school’s internationalization process is part of the globalization context, with economic, social, educational and cultural policies. In this sense, the following are established as priorities of the present plan: Implementation of new methodologies and technologies in the teaching processes;
- Combat failure and school dropout;
- Adoption of good practices in international education;
- Sharing of good practices of AESL;
- Creation of new forms of relationship between schools and European institutions;
- Development of actions that allow the acquisition of skills centered on students and for students;
- Development of actions that allow the acquisition of skills centered on teachers and non-teachers
- . Development of language skills;