3D Blender Design Workshop

This Workshop about 3D Blender Design is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain, 4nd European Congress: “Innovative tools in ICT Learning ” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.

You can download the Tutorial Here


This activity was planned for day 15-03-2022 of the congress from 10:00-11:00 3D Workshop .

In this Workshop 3D Blender Design Students and Teachers will learn the several advanced techniques for used to create amazing 3D designs.

9:40 Cafe Break. Organized by Spanish Students.

Workshop 3: 3D Design Blender as a Crafts Tool

In this Workshop 3: 3D Design Blender as a Crafts Tool, we will learn this incredible tool which can be used for almost everything with a special remack for the crafts & 3d Printing aplications (Imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros)

09:50 -10:30 This workshop was retransmited to the Etwinning comunity ane UIPEC Erasmus Patners using Video conference as a Etwinning-live event


From this lines we want to thank organizators IES Playamar and prof. Alfonso Ballesteros for this tasks.

Machine Learning Programming Workshop

This Workshop in App Inventor Mobile Programming is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain , 4nd European Congress: “Innovative tools in ICT Learning ” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.

You can download the Tutorial Here


You can download the images needed for the Tutorial here

This activity was planned for day 17-03-2022 of the congress from 10:00-11:00 App Inventor Programming Workshop .

In this Workshop Students and Teachers will leanr the several advanced techniques for AI – Artificial Inteligence and Machine Learning

Workshop 6 Introduction to Machine learning.

10:00 Machine learning is one of the most innovative systems to implement the AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is a very hard subject to study , as it is based in the simulation the behaviour of neural cells of the humans. This technology is responsible to recognize faces, natural language and many others things of the actual IT world. This a so important programming subject that several platforms has created models which can be used by students to start this learning This Workshop was imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros

You can down load the manual here: Download

This activity has been configurated as an Etwinning-Live Event so that the colleagues from the UIPEC proyect can learn the basis of this technology


From this lines we want to thank organizators IES Playamar and prof. Alfonso Ballesteros for this tasks.

Images for the workshop

IFTT Automation tool Workshop

This Workshop in App Inventor Mobile Programming is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain , 4nd European Congress: “Innovative tools in ICT Learning ” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.

You can download the Tutorial Here


Workshop 4: IFTTT Automation

8:30 This workshop is a formation event of the project “Girls and Boys are Programing in Europe” it will show you how to use the IFTTT Tool. It’s open for all of you who are interested in the subject. IFTTT, which means “If This Then That” is an Automation tool which can be used to connect different platforms using a very simple programming system which can be integrated with useful devices like Mobile phone functions, IOT technologies web services, etc. you will find all the materials in this link. This Workshop was imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros

In this Workshop 4 about IFTTT Automation we will learn many methods that we can use to Automatize our work and the development of repetivite task. http://girlsboysprogramming.eu/iftt-automation-tool-workshop/ You can down load the manual here: C4-UIPEC-GBPE-Playamar-Mobility-IFTTT-Automatization-workshopDownload

This activity has been configurated as an Etwinning-Live Event so that the colleagues from the UIPEC proyect can learn the basis of this technology


App Inventor Mobile Programming Workshop

This Workshop in App Inventor Mobile Programming is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain , 4nd European Congress: “Innovative tools in ICT Learning ” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.

You can download the Tutorial Here


The AI file for the first activity can be found here

The AI file for the Second activity can be found here

This activity was planned for day 17-03-2022 of the congress from 9:00-9:45 Working Session I – App Inventor Programming Workshop .

In this Workshop Students and Teachers learned the several advanced techniques for the developing of App Inventor Mobile apps using the block Programming model.

We will learn the app inventor model

From this lines we want to thank organizators IES Playamar and prof. Alfonso Ballesteros for this tasks.

9:00 In this activity we will learn to use the MIT App Inventor is a software development environment currently maintained by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the development of applications for the Android operating system. The user can, visually and from a set of basic tools, link a series of blocks to create the application. This Workshop was imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros

This activity has been configurated as an Etwinning-Live Event so that the colleagues from the UIPEC proyect can learn the basis of this technology


From this lines we want to thank organizators IES Playamar and prof. Alfonso Ballesteros for this tasks.

Workshop 3D Modeling

This Workshop in 3D Modeling is part of the Mobility C3 in Portugal, 3nd European Congress: “Programing, Entreprenurship Art & Crafts ” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.

This activity was planned for 2nd day of the congress from 9:00-10:15 Working Session I – 3D modeling Workshop .

In this Workshop Students and Teachers learned the several advanced techniques for the developing of 3d Models for printing on the Thinker Cad System

From this lines we want to thank organizators for this wonderful job.

New Technologies & Entrpreneurship Event in Sanjotec

In this event celebrated during the Shared mobility UIPEC GBPE in the Sanjotec Enterprise Bussiness incubator, we could learn about Entrpreneurship with several points of views and conferences

  • Conference :”New Technologies Sanjotec Enterprise incubator”.
  • Conference :”Prologica TIC Success Case in Sanjotec”
  • Conference :”Meliora Example of Development of a Real TIC Software”
  • Conference :”Eductative Entreneurship Innicia. ”
  • Activity ” Visit to the installations of a Real Software Entreprise”

Serafim Leite Escola with Sanjotec Enterprise Bussiness prepared this event in which students could learn how The enterprise incubators works and how students can present a project to ask access to them.

We also recibed other conferences by the Prologica a succesful example of tecnhological enterprises and how educational entrepreneurship was being developed in Andalucia.

Conference :”New Technologies Sanjotec Enterprise incubator”.

Sanjotec is an iniciative which helps entrerprises to develop their potential in this presentation they show us their instalations and make a small conference showing the students how they could start their own entreprise.

Conference :”Prologica TIC Success Case in Sanjotec”.

Prologica is one of the most successfull compaines in E-heath. They are base in Sanjotec installations and in this presentation is an iniciative which helps entrerprises to develop their potential in this presentation they show us their instalations and make a small conference showing the students how they could start their own entreprise

Conference :”Meliora Example of Development of a Real TIC Software”

One of the engenieers of Prologica showed the students the real case of an software developed by them the Meliora Hospital and Eheath platform.

Conference :”Educative Entreneurship Innicia Inniciative”

In this presentation one of the professors involved in the Innicia Educative Project, showed students and teachers how educational Entrepreneurship was being developed in Andalusia thorought the Innicia Inniciative

Activity ” Visit to the installations of a Real Software Entreprise”

Students had the chance to make a small visit to the installations of a real Entreprise

From this lines we want to thank the portugese team & Sanjotec for its collaboration

Participation in Programming Hackaton

IES Playamar students from the Erasmus program “GBPE + Project Girls & Boys are Programming in Europe” participate in the TXACkathon Periodic contest (https://toolbox.uma.es/hackathon/) held on March 6


This platform is an initiative of the University of Malaga to bring programming closer to the youngest and also reduce the gender gap in female students when choosing technical training.

The TXACkathon Periódico is a pre-university level programmers’ competition on the ToolboX.Academy platform, created at the University of Malaga.

From these lines we would like to congratulate the organizers for this initiative.

Introduction to Alexa Skills Programming Workshop

This workshop about Introduction to Alexa Skills Programming was developed as and presential and online actitivity in Ies Playamar (Torremolinos) in the framework and actitities of the European Code Week 2020 (https://codeweek.eu/) with starts from 10 to 25 october 2020

We developed a short skill which gives information about our school and test it in the Alexa Interface


From this lines we want to thank organizators them for their attentions.

P5.js Workshop

This workshop about P5.js Javascript Framework for graphic design and games was developed in the first Mobility in Novi Jicin organized by Medelova High School and the collaboration of TIETO.

From this lines we want to thank them for their attentions.

360 Shot of this activity

Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

We created a Brick Game with this code

// Global vars
var x = 300;
var y = 250;
var r = 10;
var dx = 3;
var dy = 1;
var c = 0;
var Psize=120;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  ellipse(x, y, r + r, r + r);

  x = x + dx;
  y = y + dy;

  // edges
  if (x + r > width) {
    dx = dx * -1;
  if (y + r > height) {
    dy = dy * -1;

  if (x - r < 0) {
    dx = dx * -1;
  if (y - r < 0) {
    dy = dy * -1;
// Drawing the Net
  for(let i=0;i<height;i+=5)  {
// Drawing the Paddle
  var Py=constrain(mouseY,Psize/2,height-Psize/2);
  // Paddlel colision 
    if (x-r-r < 25   && (y-r > Py - Psize/2) && (y<Py+Psize/2) ) {
    dx = dx * -1;
  // ball reiniciate
  if(x-r<0) {

function reset(){
  dx=2; dy=2;