Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands Vestra
Fjolbrautaskoli Nordurlands vestra (FNV) has 506 students, it is a comprehensive high school in northwestern Iceland. It is located in Sauðárkrókur, which has a population of 2,598 inhabitants. FNV offers a wide variety of vocational programs. Specifically in Art, Computer Science, Carpentry and Paramedicine.

This is the web site of the school
We also have distance training courses. The students are between 12 and 20 years old. The social life in the school is very good, we have several social clubs for students. In addition to Icelandic we teach Danish, English, German and French. We have a “Fablab” inside the school in cooperation with the town hall.
The Fablab is equipped with several 3D printers and the staff is willing to help teachers and students learn. MOTIVATION We want to continue with our internationalization project that we started in 2016. We have introduced it in our Annual Plan. The main motivation for the FNV to get involved in the project is that we are aware of the importance of educating students in programming for the 21st century.
Where is Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands Vestra?
Our school is working on the implementation of programming as part of our curriculum. In Fjolbrautaskoli Nordurlands vestra (FNV) there are some programming courses, but they have been offered as part of the electronics studies. In our environment there are many craft trades that are being lost, which forces our young people to leave our town and go to Reykjavik. We want to create the necessary circumstances to help our students to have business opportunities and avoid depopulation of our people. We are excited about this Erasmus project the possibility of helping to preserve those ancestral trades, which require artisanal skills, through the use of technology. For us, we think it is the key to the survival of our beautiful people.
Our educators have the following experiences and capacities with which they contribute to the project: – We have been working with 3D students for years to solve social problems and we have a network of companies involved in our workshops and activities. -All the teachers involved have the technical knowledge, skills, administrative support and sufficient experience to successfully execute all aspects of this project. Our strengths are consistent and aligned with the achievement of the objectives of this project.