This Workshop in App Inventor Mobile Programming is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain , 4nd European Congress: “Innovative tools in ICT Learning ” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.
You can download the Tutorial Here

Workshop 4: IFTTT Automation
8:30 This workshop is a formation event of the project “Girls and Boys are Programing in Europe” it will show you how to use the IFTTT Tool. It’s open for all of you who are interested in the subject. IFTTT, which means “If This Then That” is an Automation tool which can be used to connect different platforms using a very simple programming system which can be integrated with useful devices like Mobile phone functions, IOT technologies web services, etc. you will find all the materials in this link. This Workshop was imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros

In this Workshop 4 about IFTTT Automation we will learn many methods that we can use to Automatize our work and the development of repetivite task. You can down load the manual here: C4-UIPEC-GBPE-Playamar-Mobility-IFTTT-Automatization-workshopDownload
This activity has been configurated as an Etwinning-Live Event so that the colleagues from the UIPEC proyect can learn the basis of this technology