This Workshop in App Inventor Mobile Programming is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain , 4nd European Congress: “Innovative tools in ICT Learning ” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.
You can download the Tutorial Here

You can download the images needed for the Tutorial here
This activity was planned for day 17-03-2022 of the congress from 10:00-11:00 App Inventor Programming Workshop .
In this Workshop Students and Teachers will leanr the several advanced techniques for AI – Artificial Inteligence and Machine Learning

Workshop 6 Introduction to Machine learning.
10:00 Machine learning is one of the most innovative systems to implement the AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is a very hard subject to study , as it is based in the simulation the behaviour of neural cells of the humans. This technology is responsible to recognize faces, natural language and many others things of the actual IT world. This a so important programming subject that several platforms has created models which can be used by students to start this learning This Workshop was imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros
You can down load the manual here: Download

This activity has been configurated as an Etwinning-Live Event so that the colleagues from the UIPEC proyect can learn the basis of this technology

From this lines we want to thank organizators IES Playamar and prof. Alfonso Ballesteros for this tasks.
Images for the workshop