This Mobility C4 in Spain, has been configurated as the 4th European Congress: “Innovative tools For ICT Learning” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe with code 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282.
This Mobility was planned to be developed in Spring of 2020 as the third mobility but due the confinations, it had to be postponed to this March 2022 as the third mobility before Italy.
In this congress, Teachers and students from the differents schools of the erasmus project participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions, exhibitions and Working Sessions.
The complete Program of the Activity can be downloaded there
Synergies & Cooperation
Three Teams of this This project (Spanish, icelandic and Czech Teams) shares another project which is relationated with Crafts ( Using ICTs to preserve European Craftsmanship ). We have developed several activities which can be beneficial for both projects.
This project has also count with the support of the Torremolinos town hall which has included our project in several local activities, The picasso Cultural center where we have celebrated the welcome ceremony, Computer Science Universty of Málaga and the Malaga Universitity, The UMA International Hub, PTA (Technology Park of Andalusia (Malaga Silicon Valley) whose international section has worked to prepare an entrepreneurship activity , some Local enterprises and of course the IES Playamar Team.

From these lines we want to thanks for their help and collaboration.
In this mobility, we will develop the following planned Activities .
- Crafts
- Activity AR Cultural Heritage Ginkana in Ronda International Teams
- Craft your bag for the Peace
- Entrepreneurship & Internationalization
- Conference ” Entrepreneurship Opportunities in PTA”
- Conference ” Innicia Educative Entrepreneurship in Andalucia”
- International Opportunities in Malaga University Activity
- 3D Printing Workshop 3: 3D Design Blender as a Crafts Tool
- Operational. Systems
- Workshop 1: Introducing Linux OS.
- Workshop 2: Programming with Linux OS Shell.
- Programming
- Workshop 4: IFTTT Automation
Workshop 5: App-inventor Programming
Workshop 6 Introduction to Machine learning.
- Workshop 4: IFTTT Automation
- Virtual Reality
- Using VR and
- Creativy
- Workshop 0: Boost your Creativy with Scamper
Sunday 28/11/2021
- Spanish team organized the reception of the Teams in the hotel (Spanish team arraged affordables price with local hotels so the host of the students could be done with the reduced budget).
- Some of the spanish team prepared a warm welcome tour by Torremolinos town and explained every team the best options to have lunch/dinner.
- It was also created this documento to show Best options to go from Airport to hotels

Monday 14/03/22
9:30 Welcome Ceremony in the Picasso centre Auditorium

- Welcome, Register of the Congress & Delivery of the Crafted Congress Material developed by the Spanish Team.
- 9:40 Welcome Words from Spanish Coodinator (A. Ballesteros)

- 9:50 Speech IES Playamar as an Example of Internationalization & Using Erasmus & Etwinning in a Project driven Strategy. IES Playamar HeadMaster (M. Lozano)

- 10:00 Musical performance: Mrs Gema Garcia Spanish Lyrics Singer

10:30 Speech “Torremolinos as an International Tolerance Town ” & delivery of Presents from the City Hall to the Guest Schools (Brotherhood between towns) by Torremolinos City Hall Education Consuelor. (Mr Francisco Garcia)
- 11:00 Cafe Break

- 11:00 Television TV Interview .Torremolinos Tv the regional tv assisted to our mobility to disseminate some of our activities
- Interview can be seen on tv torremolinos web, in the livestream channel and in our youtube channel
- 11:30 Musical performances : IES Playamar Students. Classic Spanish Music. (Mr. Mario Sánchez & Irene Sánchez )

- 12:00 Flamenco performance by Laura Bago . Spanish Student.

- 12:00 Presentation of the congress activities. Spanish Coodinator
- 12:20 Presentation of their schools/towns by Students (10 min)
#uipec #gbpe #Erasmus+ project mobility C4 #Torremolinos. activity in #picasso cultural center Spanish team #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Workshop 0: Boost your Creativy with Scamper

- 13:00 Workshop 0: Boost your Creativy with Scamper
- This Activity uissed the students how to improve their creativity using the Scamper methodology (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other uses, Eliminate, Rearrange )

Craft your bag for the Peace Activity & Contest
- 13:20 Craft your bag for the Peace Activity & Contest

14:00 Lunch in Torremolinos Restaurant.
15:00 Tourism in Torremolinos with students as Guides. Spanish students participating in the Erasmus project prepared a tour. They show students and Teachers the most important hotspots of the town like Beaches, San Miguel Street, Pimentel Tower, etc.

18:00 Free Time.
Tuesday 15/03

Workshop 1: Introducing Linux OS.
08:20 In this Workshop 1: Introducing Linux OS, we will learn the basics of this free Operational System. (Imparted by prof. Jose A Cabello)

Workshop 2: Programming with Linux OS Shell.
09:00 08:20 In this Workshop 2: Programming with Linux OS Shell. Workshop, we will learn the basics of script programming in this free and opensource Operational System. (Imparted by prof. Jose A Cabello)
09:40 Cafe Break. Organized by Spanish Students.

Workshop 3: 3D Design Blender as a Crafts Tool
In this Workshop 3: 3D Design Blender as a Crafts Tool, we will learn this incredible tool which can be used for almost everything with a special remack for the crafts & 3d Printing aplications (Imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros)

09:50 -10:30 This workshop was retransmited to the Etwinning comunity ane UIPEC Erasmus Patners using Video conference as a Etwinning-live event (
Patnership Activity: International Opportunities in Malaga University Activity

10:30 Bus to Málaga Visit to the ETSII Computer Sciences University. .
11:00 Rece`ption of University authorities at ETSII Conference hall & Presentation for students: “Posibilities of Malaga to develop an international Degree”. Guided By F.Chicano & Julian.
Visit to the Historical Computer Sciences University Technology Museum.

Robotics Careers project Development in the ETSSI
12:00 Visit to the Málaga University Campus organized by the International Hub
#uipec #gbpe #Erasmus+ project mobility C4 #Torremolinos. activity in #Malaga University #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Visit to the UMA Botanical Park
13:30 Lunch at University
14:30 Departure by bus to Muelle uno & Malaga Center
15:30 Visit the Malaga Beach Sign in Malagueta and Shot of VR- PICS

Activity Malaga Crafts Tour
Malaga is a town full of cultural heritage and crafts in colaboration with our project UIPEC, we visit some of the most important points like the muelle uno Street crafts market of the
16:00 Visit the Malaga Crafts Market in the Muelle Uno. Malaga city center is full of crafts opportunities we make a small tour

16:30 360 VR Activity: Photo and Uploading Creation in the Málaga Bay
#uipec #gbpe #Erasmus+ project mobility C4 #Torremolinos. activity in #Malaga #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
17:30 Visit to the Cultural Heritage Hotspots , Typical foods & Crafts of in Málaga city center
18:30 360 VR Activity: Photo and Uploading Creation in the Málaga Downtown
uipec #gbpe #Erasmus+ project mobility C4 #Torremolinos. activity in #Malaga #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
19:30 Back to Torremolinos by bus
Wednesday 16/03

07:50 Meeting point at the school – Bus for the whole day (Caminito del Rey Activity has to be cancelled due to metheorological problems but it was changed to a Whole day Ronda Activity)

10:15 Activity AR Cultural Heritage Ginkana in Ronda International Teams
In this Activity Spanish and International students will create International mixed Teams and they will have to follow a list of clues within all the town and AR Codes to seach differents Culturals and crafts Hotspot of the town.

We Created 5 international mixed teams from Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic & Italy
This actitivity will ensure the interaction of the students in teams out of their confort zone

360 VR Activity: Photo and Uploading Creation in Ronda
In this activity 360 VR Photo and Uploading Creation in Ronda. Teachers created Several 360 Pics with the students when we found them through the town
uipec #gbpe #Erasmus+ project mobility C4 #Torremolinos. activity in ronda #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
13:00 Typical Lunch at Ronda
14:00 Activity AR Cultural Heritage Ginkana in Ronda strudents (Continuation)
14:00 Visit Crafts&Cultural hotspots of Ronda (Historical Museum-House Casa del Moro)
As a complementary activity while students discover the crafts & Monuments of the town. Teachers got half an hour to visit and discover the the Casa del Moro Museum and of course the Bridge.
uipec #gbpe #Erasmus+ project mobility C4 #Torremolinos. activity in ronda #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
18:30 Back to Torremolinos by bus
Thursday 17/03

Workshop 4: IFTTT Automation
8:30 This workshop is a formation event of the project “Girls and Boys are Programing in Europe” it will show you how to use the IFTTT Tool. It’s open for all of you who are interested in the subject. IFTTT, which means “If This Then That” is an Automation tool which can be used to connect different platforms using a very simple programming system which can be integrated with useful devices like Mobile phone functions, IOT technologies web services, etc. you will find all the materials in this link. This Workshop was imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros

In this Workshop 4 about IFTTT Automation we will learn many methods that we can use to Automatize our work and the development of repetivite task.
This activity has been configurated as an Etwinning-Live Event so that the colleagues from the UIPEC proyect can learn the basis of this technology
Workshop 5: App-inventor Programming

9:00 In this activity we will learn to use the MIT App Inventor is a software development environment currently maintained by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the development of applications for the Android operating system. The user can, visually and from a set of basic tools, link a series of blocks to create the application. This Workshop was imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros

This activity has been configurated as an Etwinning-Live Event so that the colleagues from the UIPEC proyect can learn the basis of this technology

9:45 Cafe Break.

Workshop 6 Introduction to Machine learning.
10:00 Machine learning is one of the most innovative systems to implement the AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is a very hard subject to study , as it is based in the simulation the behaviour of neural cells of the humans. This technology is responsible to recognize faces, natural language and many others things of the actual IT world. This a so important programming subject that several platforms has created models which can be used by students to start this learning This Workshop was imparted by prof. Alfonso Ballesteros
You can down load the manual here:

This activity has been configurated as an Etwinning-Live Event so that the colleagues from the UIPEC proyect can learn the basis of this technology

PTA Andalusian Technological Park Conferences
On Thursday we had the chance to visit the PTA Andalusian Technological Park a huge complex of thechnological entreprises where we recibed two Conferences and we make a tour by the Most important enterprises of the park.
10:30 Visit to the PTA Andalusian Technological Park. (Spanish Silicon Valley) Entrepreneurship Conference in the Green Ray Complex in the Andalusian Technological Park.
Conference ” Entrepreneurship Opportunities in PTA”
11:30 We had the chance to recibe a nice speech about the importance of the PTA, and also more important about the Opportunities for young entrepreneurs in Malaga and specially in the PTA. Our Conferencer and Host was Mrs. Aline Daniel who is International Project Manager in Málaga TechPark .

Conference ” Innicia Educative Entrepreneurship in Andalucia”
12:30 In the Conference ” Innicia Educative Entrepreneurship in Andalucia” . Our lecturer, A.Ballesteros as Member of the Pedagological team of Innicia in Malaga, showed the students 6 Teachers how this educative program Innicia has been working to improve the Entrepreneurship skills of the students in their 3 dimensions.

13:30 Tour to the Andalusian Technological Park most important entreprise and PTA Technology museum
15:00 Closing Lunch in Torremolinos.
16:00 Delivery of Certificates and prices for the Ronda ginkana

17:00 Free afternoon to walk on the beach.
Friday 18/04
09:00 Administrative Tasks
10:00 Evaluation Task
11:00 Proposals Next Meeting
This congress was diseminated in several ways.
In the websites of each school there was a publication with information
Social networks
We created an Several Etwinning events : so that many colleages could follow the activities

We created four codeweek event :
From this lines we want to thank organizators them for their attentions.