Last week We celebrated the Europe Day with a serie of activities like a videoconference , and an Etwinning Event

The organized an activity to remark the importance of Europe in each country.

Last week We celebrated the Europe Day with a serie of activities like a videoconference , and an Etwinning Event
One of the objetives of the project is the creation of quality content like this Java tutorial uploaded to our Youtube Channel
Introduction Java Video Tutorial
Creating a Class Java Video Tutorial
Final Java Video Tutorial
IES Playamar students from the Erasmus program “GBPE + Project Girls & Boys are Programming in Europe” participate in the TXACkathon Periodic contest ( held on March 6
This platform is an initiative of the University of Malaga to bring programming closer to the youngest and also reduce the gender gap in female students when choosing technical training.
The TXACkathon Periódico is a pre-university level programmers’ competition on the ToolboX.Academy platform, created at the University of Malaga.
From these lines we would like to congratulate the organizers for this initiative.
This workshop about Introduction to Alexa Skills Programming was developed as and presential and online actitivity in Ies Playamar (Torremolinos) in the framework and actitities of the European Code Week 2020 ( with starts from 10 to 25 october 2020
We developed a short skill which gives information about our school and test it in the Alexa Interface
From this lines we want to thank organizators them for their attentions.
Covid -19 derivated problems and prevention Measures have been a big problem to develop all activities which were planned to will be carried out in 2020 and 2021.
Thanks to the Erasmus changes we can postpone all the mobilites and presential activities to next course.
So this academic year 2020-2021, we will develop online activities and we will improve our presence in Etwinning channel.
As soon as we have this point clear we will upload a new plannification for course 2021-2022
This workshop about P5.js Javascript Framework for graphic design and games was developed in the first Mobility in Novi Jicin organized by Medelova High School and the collaboration of TIETO.
From this lines we want to thank them for their attentions.
360 Shot of this activity
Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We created a Brick Game with this code
// Global vars
var x = 300;
var y = 250;
var r = 10;
var dx = 3;
var dy = 1;
var c = 0;
var Psize=120;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
ellipse(x, y, r + r, r + r);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
// edges
if (x + r > width) {
dx = dx * -1;
if (y + r > height) {
dy = dy * -1;
if (x - r < 0) {
dx = dx * -1;
if (y - r < 0) {
dy = dy * -1;
// Drawing the Net
for(let i=0;i<height;i+=5) {
// Drawing the Paddle
var Py=constrain(mouseY,Psize/2,height-Psize/2);
// Paddlel colision
if (x-r-r < 25 && (y-r > Py - Psize/2) && (y<Py+Psize/2) ) {
dx = dx * -1;
// ball reiniciate
if(x-r<0) {
function reset(){
dx=2; dy=2;
This workshop about TinkerCAD the 3d Design framework was developed in the first Mobility in Novi Jicin organized by Medelova High School.
This workshop was developed in the first Mobility in Novi Jicin organized by Medelova High School.
IES Playamar is a Bilingual Secondary School located in Torremolinos, in the south of Spain. It was founded in 1998. It is an ICT center. This school year our educational center serves 912 students aged between 12 and 20 years old.
This is the School Link :
We offer ESO in fully bilingual (English) mode. And as post-compulsory education: Baccalaureate in the itineraries of Social, Humanities and Technology.
We also have two cycles of Vocational Training in the families of “Computer Systems and Networks” and “Electromechanics of Motor Vehicles in Dual Mode”.
The main problems of our context, based on the figures of the INE and the PISA report referenced to 2016 data, are:
-The high number of unemployed (22, 4%) and the consequent emigration.
-The growing number of students who leave school prematurely and the
failure in education (25.8%, among the highest at the regional and
national level)
-The low level of school performance (30%, among the highest at regional and national level)
Our school assists students from different socioeconomic contexts, and the training opportunities are not the same for everybody. We have a considerable number of immigrant students with special needs. Many families are not able to Give adequate support to your children in the school curriculum. These conditions lead to the direction and cloister of the school to take additional measures to balance them. We have a school accompaniment program during non-school hours in the center.
The school, as well as the region, possess an enormous natural heritage, in reality excessively exploited and deteriorated by the tourism and that, with the support of a good project, we are likely to make it sustainable by encouraging growth smart and inclusive (ET 2020). Through:
– Social Entrepreneurship, with a more efficient, supportive and responsible use of resources.
– Promoting inclusive growth through the promotion of multiculturalism among young people.
The teachers of the IES Playamar want to change this reality excessively dependent on seasonality and tourism.
Creating synergies, partnerships, initiatives that facilitate the start
of a new development model, capable of giving an impulse, not only
economic and sustainable, to our environment but also in solidarity.
A vision shared by all the partners of this project was that, to achieve success in its implementation, it was
It is necessary to guarantee a team of quality teachers, motivated and committed. Hence, we agreed on the following
criteria that we have applied in all schools of our association.
Where is IES Playamar?
The reasons for joining us are:
1) IES Playamar teachers want to change that described reality. We intend to preserve and disseminate this ancestral knowledge about these crafts, especially those that are in danger of disappearing. And, on the other, to increase the employability of young people by helping them to start from the detection of opportunities in the craft sector using ICTs, so that they generate value and that, as their ancestors did, they can continue living from it. .
2) We need to continue with our strategic internationalization plan that began two years ago. Erasmus + is an opportunity. Regarding our potential, as a center, with the contributions to the project, indicate that:
1) Our teaching team is involved in the main relevant areas of knowledge of the project. The departments involved are: Art; History; Technology; Economy; Computing; English; Orientation and the management team
. 2) In this project the director, the association of fathers and mothers (families) and the administrative staff actively participate because, for them, it is also important to compare our organization and management with other educational systems.
3) The school interacts and collaborates with cultural institutions and craft associations in the area.
Fjolbrautaskoli Nordurlands vestra (FNV) has 506 students, it is a comprehensive high school in northwestern Iceland. It is located in Sauðárkrókur, which has a population of 2,598 inhabitants. FNV offers a wide variety of vocational programs. Specifically in Art, Computer Science, Carpentry and Paramedicine.
This is the web site of the school
We also have distance training courses. The students are between 12 and 20 years old. The social life in the school is very good, we have several social clubs for students. In addition to Icelandic we teach Danish, English, German and French. We have a “Fablab” inside the school in cooperation with the town hall.
The Fablab is equipped with several 3D printers and the staff is willing to help teachers and students learn. MOTIVATION We want to continue with our internationalization project that we started in 2016. We have introduced it in our Annual Plan. The main motivation for the FNV to get involved in the project is that we are aware of the importance of educating students in programming for the 21st century.
Where is Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands Vestra?
Our school is working on the implementation of programming as part of our curriculum. In Fjolbrautaskoli Nordurlands vestra (FNV) there are some programming courses, but they have been offered as part of the electronics studies. In our environment there are many craft trades that are being lost, which forces our young people to leave our town and go to Reykjavik. We want to create the necessary circumstances to help our students to have business opportunities and avoid depopulation of our people. We are excited about this Erasmus project the possibility of helping to preserve those ancestral trades, which require artisanal skills, through the use of technology. For us, we think it is the key to the survival of our beautiful people.
Our educators have the following experiences and capacities with which they contribute to the project: – We have been working with 3D students for years to solve social problems and we have a network of companies involved in our workshops and activities. -All the teachers involved have the technical knowledge, skills, administrative support and sufficient experience to successfully execute all aspects of this project. Our strengths are consistent and aligned with the achievement of the objectives of this project.